Resource Development & Management Papers
- Human Rights, Health and Resource Development in Alberta: A Summary of Current and Emerging Law (Nickie Vlavianos) (2004)
- Legal Issues in the Harmonization of Different Levels of Public Authority in Russia: The Case of Natural Resource Development (Mikhail V. Vorodach & Introduction by Janet Keeping) (2002)
- Human Rights and Resource Development: Conflicts, Current Law and Proposals for Reform (Janet Keeping) (2001)
- Towards a New Paradigm for Cumulative Effects Management (Steven Kennett) (1999)
- A History of Forest Legislation in Canada 1867-1996 (Monique Ross) (1997)
- A History of Sustainable Forest Management on Alberta’s Private Woodlots: Defining a Role for Government (Monique Ross) (1996)A
- Special Places 2000: Protecting the Status Quo (Steven A. Kennett) (1995)
- Environmental Protection: Its Implications for the Canadian Forest Sector ( Monique Ross & J. Owen Saunders) (1993)
- Is British Columbia Leading the Way in Natural Resources Management? Part III: The Forest Resources Commission (Monique Ross) (1993)
- Is British Columbia Leading the Way in Natural Resources Management? Part II: Ethics and Resource Takings: The Schwindt Report (Nigel Bankes) (1993)
- Is British Columbia Leading the Way in Natural Resources Management? Part I: The Commission on Resources and Environment (Steven A. Kennett) (1992)
- Growing Demands on a Shrinking Heritage: Managing Resource Use Conflicts (Sir Geoffrey Palmer) (1991)
- The Free Trade Agreement and Canada’s Natural Resources (J. Owen Saunders) (1988)
- Trading Canada’s Natural Resources: Two Perspectives (David Poch) (1987)
- The Canadian Forest Product Industry and U.S Trade Laws (Christian G. Yoder) (1987)
- Crown Timber Rights in Alberta (Nigel Bankes) (1986)
- Investment Canada and the Resource Sector (Alastair R. Lucas) (1985)
- Contractual v. Regulatory Models for Major Resource Development Projects (Andrew R. Thompson) (1984)
- Negotiating the Disposition of Crown Resources: Forest Management Agreements in Alberta (Nigel Bankes) (1984)
- Banff Conference on Natural Resources Law: Public Disposition of Natural Resources (Nigel Bankes) (1983)
- New Directions in Resource Management (J. Owen Saunders) (1983)
- Natural Resources and the New Constitution (A.R Lucas) (1982)