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- Environment in the Courtroom (edited by Allan E. Ingelson) (University of Calgary Press) (2019)
- Admissibility of Expert Evidence and Costs (Marc McAree, Robert Woon & Anand Srivastava) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Anatomy of a Compliance Regime: Initiation of Action- A Regulator’s Perspective (Fred Maefs) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Anatomy of a Compliance Regime: Recapitulation and Alternatives, Lessons from the United States (Jonathan Leo) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- An Overview of Expert Evidence in Canada (Gary A. Letcher and Andrea C. Akelaitis) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Applying International Law to Canadian Environmental Law (Charles-Emmanuel Cote) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- A Precautionary Tale: Trials and Tribulations of the Precautionary Principle (Chris Tollefson) (University of Calgary Press) (2019)
- Assessing Environmental Damages: How Much is Beauty Worth in Dollars? (Giorilyn Bruno) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Certain Defences in Criminal Law of the Environment (Jean Piette) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Collecting Essential Evidence for Environmental Investigations and Prosecutions: Approaches to Legal Strategy and Associated Issues ( Jack D. Coop) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Communication Between Lawyers and Experts ( Marc McAree, Robert Woon & Anand Srivastava) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Continuity of Evidence and Remediation Advice for Investigators: Some Brief Comments (John D. Cliffe, Q.C., & John S.G.Clark) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Creative Environmental Sentences: The Corporate Perspective (Allan E. Ingelson) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Creative Sentence Negotiation: Looking Beyond Deterrence (Paul Adams) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Creative Sentencing: The Experience “Down-Under” (Sharon Mascher) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Creative Sentencing in Environmental Prosecutions, the Canadian Experience: An Overview (John D. Cliffe, Q.C.)(2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Due Diligence in Environmental Offences (Ronda M. Vanderhoek) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Ecosystem Management: It’s Imperative…Whatever It Is (Michael M. Wenig) (University of Calgary Press) (2019)
- Environmental Investigations : A Government Perspective (Paul McCulloch) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations and Creative Sentencing: Perspectives and Roles (Cindy Chiasson) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Environmental Sentencing: Making the Best of a Blunt Instrument (Barry Stuart) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Experts in Environmental Litigation (Marc McAree, Robert Woon & Anand Srivastava) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Experts Only (Jim Bunting, Terri-Lee Oleniuk, & Sarah Powell) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Holding Directors and Officers Liable for Environmental Problems: Sentencing and Regulatory Orders (Dianne Sax & Meredith James) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Issues Respecting Expert Advisors, Expert Witnesses, and Retaining Counsel (Nicholas R. Hughes and Monika A. Sawichka) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Negotiating Sentences (Peter J. Craig) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Private Prosecutions Revisited: The Continuing Importance of Private Prosecutions in Protecting the Environment (John Swaigen, Albert Koehl, and Charles Hatt) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Privilege in Environmental Enforcement (Erin Eacott) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Proving Causation: Scientific Certainty vs. Legal Burden of Proof (Danielle Meuleman) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Proving the Right to be Heard: Evidentiary Barriers to Standing in Environmental Matters (Adam Driedzic) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Public Nuisance: Public Wrongs and Civil Rights Action (Alastair R. Lucas, Q.C.) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Recapitulation and Alternatives: Lessons Learned from a Hypothetical Case Study (Jennifer Fairfax) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Regulatory Inspections: A Private Practitioner’s Perspective (Katia Opalka) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Regulatory Negligence in Environmental Law (Lynda Collins and Jasmine van Schouwen) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Reporting Obligations to Third Parties (Marc McAree, Robert Woon & Anand Srivastava) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Science and Advocacy (Heather McLeod-Kilmurray) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Strategic Decisions in Environmental Prosecutions (Paul McCulloch and Danielle Meuleman) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- The Art of Responsive Regulation: How Agencies Can Motivate Regulated Firms to Become Virtuous (James Flagal) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- The Challenges of Gathering Expert Evidence by Private Individuals (Asha James) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- The Enforcement of Environmental Law through the Use of Administrative Penalties (Jean Piette) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- The Intersection of Human Rights Law and Environmental Law (Nickie Nikolaou) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- The Law and Economics of Environmental Harm: A Primer and Update for Environmental Sentencing (Parts I and II) (Martin Olszynski & Peter Boxall) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- The Law and Economics of Environmental Harm: A Primer and Update for Environmental Sentencing (Parts III, IV and V) (Peter Boxall & Martin Olszynski) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- The Role of International Environmental Law in Canadian Courts (Phillip M. Saunders, Q.C.) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Sustainable Development under Canadian Law (Paule Halley and Pierre Olivier DesMarchais) (University of Calgary Press) (2019)
- The Incorporation of an Environmental Ethic in the Courtroom (Heather McLeod-Kilmurray) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- The Exercise of Prosecutorial Discretion: Challenges to Environmental Prosecutions (Alex Ikejiani) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- The Legal Concept of Sustainability (Natasha Affolder) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Who Should Prosecute: Intragovernmental Aspects (Martin Z. P. Olszynksi) (2019) (University of Calgary Press)
- Do Recent Amendments to Alberta’s Municipal Government Act Enable Management of Surface Water Resource and Air Quality? (Judy Stewart) (2017)
- Reflexive Legal Processes for Environmental Bridging Organizations in the Calgary Region (Judy Stewart) (2016)
- Reflections on Ecosystem Services: A Step Forward in the Protection of Nature? (Giorilyn Bruno) (2016)
- Alberta Wetlands: A Law and Policy Guide, 2ND Edition ( Arlene J. Kwasniak) (2016)
- Environmental Sentencing Policy in Alberta: A Critical Review (Chilenye Nwapi) (2015)
- Legal and Policy Responses to Environmental Offences in Relation to the Alberta Oil Sands (Chilenye Nwapi) (2012)
- Using Strategic Environmental Assessments to Guide Oil and Gas Exploration Decisions in the Beaufort Sea: Lessons Learned from Atlantic Canada (Meinhard Doelle, Nigel Bankes & Louie Porta) (2012)
- Understanding Local Albertans’ Roles in Watershed Planning- Will the Real Blueprint Please Step Forward? (Michael M. Wenig) (2010)
- Capitalizing on Canada's "Green Advantage": Legal and Regulatory Components of Biosphere Greenhouse Gas Management (Steven A. Kennett) (2002)
- The Castle - A Litmus Test for Alberta's ‘Commitment’ to Sustainable Resource and Environmental Management (Steven A. Kennett) (2003)
- Book Review - "Unnatural Law: Rethinking Canadian Environmental Law and Policy by David R. Boyd" (Steven A. Kennett) (2003)
- Legal Regulation of Subsoil Use and Environmental Protection in the Khanti-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug of Russian Federation (Gennady Nikolaevich Chebotarev & Elena Fedorovna Gladun, and Introduction by Janet Keeping) (2001)
- WTO Jurisprudence on GATT Article XX, Extends Scope for Environmental Regulations (Dr. Irene McConnell) (2000)
- The Future for Cumulative Effects Management: Beyond the Environmental Assessment Paradigm (Steven A. Kennett)(2000)
- Cumulative Effects Assessment and the Cheviot Project: What’s Wrong with this Picture? (Steven A. Kennett) (1999)
- The Pit and the Pendulum – The Search for Consistency in the Law Governing Environmental Assessment (Richard Neufeld) (1999)
- Resource Development and the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act (John Donihee) (1999)
- Special Places 2000: Lessons from the Whaleback and the Castle (Steven A. Kennett) (1998)
- Integrating Voluntary and Regulatory Environmental Management: The Legal Framework (Alastair R. Lucas) (1998)
- Economic and Technology Issues in EIA (Ralf Buckley) (1997)
- No Place in the Boardrooms of the Nation (Alan Scarth, Q.C) (1997)
- Considering the “Need for the Project” – A Modest Proposal (Judith B. Hanebury) (1997)
- The Environmental Management Framework Agreement: Reforming Federalism in Post- Referendum Canada (Steven A. Kennett) (1995)
- Ontario’s Timber Management Class Environmental Assessment: Two Perspectives (Paul Cassidy) (1994)
- The ERCB’s Whaleback Decision: All Clear on the Eastern Slopes? (Steven A. Kennett) (1994)
- The Free Entry System vs Government Regulation – The Clash of Old Methods with New Demands for Environmental Preservation (Barry J. Barton) (1994)
- The NRCB’s West Castle Decision: Sustainable Development and Decision-Making in Practice (Steven A. Kennett) (1994)
- Alberta’s Wetlands: Legal Incentives and Obstacles to their Conservation (Darcy Marshall Tkachuk) (1993)
- Australian Developments in Intergovernmental Co-operation in Environmental Impact Assessment (Alex Gardner) (1993)
- Law and Process in Environmental Management: Themes of the 6th Biennial Conference on Natural Resources Law (Steven A. Kennett) (1993)
- Energy Conservation Legislation for Building Design and Construction (Adrian J. Bradbrook) (1992)
- Issues and Options for Intergovernmental Cooperation in Environmental Impact Assessment (Steven A. Kennett) (1992)
- The Supreme Court Decision in Oldman River Dam: More Pieces in the Puzzle of Jurisdiction over the Environment (Judith Hanebury) (1992)
- The Environmental Assessment of Electricity Exports: The Whale That Ate the NEB (Janet Keeping) (1991)
- Environmental Law: Lessons from the European Community (Alastair R. Lucas) (1990)
- The Legal Challenge of Sustainable Development (J Owen Saunders) (1990)
- Application of the Environmental Assessment Review Process by the National Energy Board (Murray J. Samuel) (1990)
- Down to Earth: Social Conservation, Sustainable Development and the Law (Janet Keeping) (1990)
- The Legal Challenge of Sustainable Development (Phillip M. Saunders) (1989)
- Successor Liability for Environmental Damage (Terry R. Davis) (1989)
- Toxic Water Pollution in Canada: Regulatory Principles for Reduction and Elimination with Emphasis on Canadian Federal and Ontario Law (Paul R. Muldoon a& Marcia Valiante) (1989)
- Maritime Boundaries and Resource Development: Options for the Beaufort Sea (Donald Rothwell) (1988)
- Marine Pollution and Ice Covered Areas: Article 234 (N.D Bankes) (1983)