Electricity Regulation Papers
- Adopting a Single Provincial Regulator for Electricity Generation Projects in Alberta (Indra L. Maharaj) (2019)
- The Nuclear Fuel Waste Act and Canada’s Plan for the Long- Term Management of its Nuclear Fuel Waste (Ramona Sladic) (2015)
- Environmental Assessment of Nuclear Power Plants in Alberta (Astrid Kalkbrenner) (2013)
- Legal Obstacles to the Development of Geothermal Energy in Alberta (Grant Van Hal) (2013)
- Assessing Where Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Stand in Alberta Policy and Government Organization (Michael M. Wenig) (2011)
- Environmental Assessment of Nuclear Power Plants in Alberta: Implications for Federal-Provincial Responsibilities (Astrid Kalkbrenner) (2011)
- Solar Rights and Renewable Energy in Alberta (Julie Krivitsky) (2010)
- Wind Power and Renewable Energy in Alberta (Julie Krivitsky) (2010)
- Energy and Utility Regulation in Alberta: Like Oil and Water? (Cecilia A. Low) (2009)
- The AEUB: A Short Chapter in Alberta's Long History of Energy & Utilities Regulation (Cecilia A. Low) (2009)
- The Provincial Energy Strategy- An Integrated Approach: The Challenges Raised by a Two-Board Model for Energy and Utility Regulation (Cecilia A. Low) (2009)
- Is “Conservation” Worth Conserving?- The Implications of Alberta’s Energy Resource Conservation Mandate for Renewable Energy (Michael M. Wenig & Michael C. Moore) (2007)
- Alberta’s New Competitive Electricity System (Leigh Hancher) (1996)
- A Citizen’s Guide to the Regulation of Alberta’s Energy Utilities ( Janet Keeping ) (1993)
- The Environmental Assessment of Electricity Exports: The Whale That Ate the NEB (Janet Keeping) (1991)
- Jurisdictional Overlaps in Alberta Energy Regulation (Janet Keeping) (1989)
- Energy and Canadians into the 21st Century: The Energy Options Report (P.S Elder and W.A Ross) (1988)
- Canadian Electricity Exports: Legal and Regulatory Issues (Alastair Lucas and J Owen Saunders) (1983)